Number of owned dogs

  • The total number of owned dogs since the beginning of breeding is 161 in 30 years.
  • The data are only for produced Swiss Mountain Dogs. The owner of Balihara Ranch kennel, Mrs. Jana Stefancova, also breeds other breeds, e.g. Norfolk terriers.
  • Data for the years 2023-2024 are missing (they will be added to this website as soon as they are published).
  • Information on the number of dogs owned and puppies produced is not published on the Balihara Ranch website. Do they want to hide them?
  • From 2012 to 2021, i.e. with a birthdate of 2012 and younger, Balihara Ranch owned more than 70 dogs. So it is assumed that such a number of dogs were in the kennel in one period.
  • It is clear that these dogs cannot live indoors, as the owner of the Balihara Ranch kennel tries to present, but are placed outside in cages.
  • Dogs must suffer from a lack of attention, movement, socialization, they live a herd life.
  • It is very likely that dogs don’t get out of the cages unless they go to a show or to the vet.
  • The character deficiencies of the dogs produced by the Balihara Ranch kennel can also be seen in the results of temperament tests. Their dogs often achieve a low number of points.
  • It is unimaginable that dogs would go for walks and get to know new stimuli that dogs need so much.
  • It is questionable how the Balihara Ranch kennel resolves possible dog conflicts, which are not uncommon in packs.
  • It is questionable how older dogs, who are already beyond their productive age, are treated there.
  • It is questionable whether the kennel can provide the dogs with adequate medical care. Having such a number of dogs under 100% control is rather unrealistic.
  • Any exercise of dogs or their work application is excluded. Dogs must suffer from frustration and lack of attention and stimulation.
  • Dogs must be fed in bulk. The kennel cannot meet the needs of individual dogs.
  • The environment must be infested with parasites. It is impossible to rid such a huge number of dogs of parasites. It is enough that only one remains contaminated and transmits parasites to others, including puppies with a high risk of transmission to humans.
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