Final word

The image you see on our website is not just a logo, but a powerful message. It features 2,500 puppy heads, each representing a living creature born in a kennel whose owner claims to be a responsible breeder. But can you imagine how much care, attention and love each of these puppies needs? And can you imagine how much work, time and effort is needed to raise them properly?

balihara ranch review logo

We want to tell you the truth behind this image, and why we are against such mass breeding of dogs. We want you to know what it means to be a real breeder, who cares about the welfare and happiness of each puppy, and who does not treat them as products or commodities.

A breeder who raises 2500 puppies cannot give enough care to such a number of reared puppies. She cannot raise so many puppies and socialize them with sufficient quality. She cannot choose the best home for each puppy, based on their personality, temperament, and needs. She cannot screen those interested in buying a puppy, and make sure they are suitable and responsible owners. She is forced to offer her puppies to anyone who is willing to pay, without knowing their background or intentions.

A breeder who raises 2500 puppies cannot even remember all the puppies, their names, their character traits, their health problems, and how to solve them. She cannot keep track of their development, their achievements, their challenges, and their joys. She cannot provide support and advice to the new owners, who may face difficulties or questions with their new furry friend. She cannot follow up on how the puppy is doing, and whether everything is okay with him. She cannot intervene if the puppy is mistreated, neglected, or abandoned.

A breeder who raises 2500 puppies cannot control the health results, diseases, and causes of death of her sold puppies, which are important information for further breeding of the kennel. She cannot inform the new owners about possible diseases, health problems, and deaths of ancestors, which are important information for the new owners to provide medical examinations and health care. She cannot prevent the spread of genetic disorders, inherited diseases, or congenital defects that may affect her puppies and their offspring.

A breeder who raises 2500 puppies is not a breeder at all. She is a puppy miller, who exploits dogs for profit, without regard for their well-being or quality of life. She is a cruel and irresponsible person who does not deserve your trust or your money.

We invite you to look at our image again, and see the difference between an ethical breeder and a puppy mill. We invite you to join us in our mission to stop puppy mills and promote ethical breeding practices. We invite you to choose wisely when you decide to buy a puppy, and make sure you do your research before you commit.

Contact us if you have any information about unfair practices of this kennel. Only by informing about them and spreading awareness can we together prevent the suffering of innocent animals.

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