Fair use and copyright

Fair Use

This website is a non-commercial and educational project that uses various texts, images and other sources from the internet to illustrate its content. The website does not claim any ownership or authorship of these sources, and respects the rights of the original creators. The website uses these sources on the principle of “fair use”, which is a legal doctrine that allows limited use of copyrighted material without requiring permission from the rights holders.
Fair use is a concept that recognizes the social and cultural benefits of allowing some exceptions to the exclusive rights of authors and creators. Fair use allows users to copy, modify, distribute or display certain works for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship or research. Fair use is not a fixed rule, but rather a flexible test that balances four factors: the purpose and character of the use, the nature of the copyrighted work, the amount and substantiality of the portion used, and the effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the original work.
The website aims to apply the fair use principle in a responsible and ethical manner, and to give proper credit and attribution to the sources it uses. The website also provides links to the original sources whenever possible, so that users can access them for further information or verification. The website does not intend to infringe any intellectual property rights or harm any interests of the rights holders. If you are a rights holder and have any concerns or objections about the use of your work on this website, please contact us and we will try to resolve the issue amicably.


According to Section 25 of the Slovak Copyright Act 618/2003, without the consent of the author, a short part of a published work can be used in the form of quotations in another work only for the purpose of reviewing or criticizing this published work or for teaching purposes, scientific research purposes or artistic purposes. The use must be in accordance with such customs and its scope must not exceed the scope of the justification of the citation. When citing, the name of the author or his pseudonym, if it is not an anonymous work, or the name of the person under whose name the work is published in public, as well as the title of the work and the source, must be mentioned. There is no obligation to pay the author a fee for such use.

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